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Nutella Stuffed Pancakes 

Nutella Stuffed Pancakes 

Rise and shine, pancake lovers! Today, we’re taking breakfast to a whole new level with the  ultimate indulgence – Nutella-stuffed pancakes. Get ready for a pancake adventure that’ll make  your taste buds do the happy dance! Cut into that pancake, and watch the Nutella ooze out like a  delicious, melty surprise. Take a bite. Savor the fluffy pancake, the creamy Nutella, and that  perfect balance of sweet and nutty goodness. Remember, Nutella-stuffed pancakes aren’t just for  breakfast. They’re perfect for a weekend brunch with friends, a special dessert, or just an anytime  treat 

Nutella Stuffed Pancakes 


Pancake Mix, along with the ingredients the mix request 


Parchment Paper 

Small baking sheet 


  1. Add dollops of Nutella on a piece of parchment paper lined baking sheet. 2. Place the baking sheet in the freezer for 15 minutes until the dollops are frozen. 3. Make pancake batter according to directions on your pancake package. 4. Preheat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium-low heat and lightly grease it with  cooking spray or a small amount of butter. 
  2. Pour a small amount of pancake batter onto the skillet, creating a small pancake.  Immediately drop a frozen Nutella dollop into the center of the pancake. 
  3. Cover the Nutella with a bit more pancake batter to completely encase it. Cook until the  edges start to look set and bubbles form on the surface (usually 1-2 minutes). 7. Carefully flip the pancake using a spatula and cook the other side for another minute, or  until it’s golden brown and cooked through. 
  4. Serve: with fresh fruit and syrup. 


Serve your Nutella-stuffed pancakes warm. You can top them with additional Nutella, fresh fruit,  whipped cream, or powdered sugar if desired.

FAQ and Tips 

Can I use a pancake mix from a box? Yes, you can use a pancake mix from a box for  convenience. Simply follow the instructions on the box to make the pancake batter, and  then proceed to stuff them with Nutella as described in the recipe. 

How do I prevent the Nutella from leaking out while cooking? Be sure to completely  encase the Nutella with pancake batter. When adding the batter on top of the Nutella, make  sure it covers the filling completely. Cook the pancake on a medium-low heat, which helps  set the batter and prevent leakage. 

Can I use other fillings besides Nutella? Absolutely! Try using peanut butter, chocolate  chips, sliced bananas, or even fruit preserves for a different flavor experience. 

Can I make the pancake batter in advance? Yes, you can make the pancake batter ahead  of time and store it in the refrigerator for a few hours. Just give it a good stir before using to  ensure it’s well mixed. 

What can I serve with Nutella-stuffed pancakes? These pancakes are delightful on their  own, but you can enhance the experience with toppings like fresh berries, sliced bananas,  whipped cream, powdered sugar, or a drizzle of maple syrup. 

How do I know when the pancakes are cooked through? Pancakes are ready when they  turn golden brown on both sides and no longer appear wet in the center. You can gently  press down on the pancake with a spatula; if it springs back, it’s done. 

Are Nutella-stuffed pancakes suitable for freezing? Yes, you can freeze these pancakes.  Make sure they’re completely cooled, then wrap them individually in plastic wrap or  aluminum foil. To reheat, simply warm them in the oven or microwave.

5/5 (1 Review)

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